The document 'What to Expect in the EYFS' has lots of useful information about how you can support your child whilst they are in their Pre-school and Reception years. Our curriculum information is a guide to what is happening in school during your child's time in EYFS.
Files to Download
Art Scheme 22-23 Year B.pdf Art Scheme 23-24 Year A.pdf Curriculum Goals.ppt Enrichments and Enhancements.pdf EYFS Autumn 1 Knowledge List.pdf EYFS Autumn 2 Knowledge List.pdf EYFS Long Term Overview Detailed.pdf EYFS SPring 1 Knowledge List.pdf EYFS SPring 2 Knowledge List.pdf EYFS Summer 1 Knowledge List.pdf EYFS Summer 2 Knowledge List.pdf EYFS_framework_-_March_2021.pdf Key learning in Nursery.pdf Key Learning in Reception.pdf Music EYFS.pdf PE Overview EYFS KS1.pdf RE Overview 2023.pdf What-to-expect-in-the-EYFS-complete-FINAL-16.09-compressed (1).pdf