Curriculum Overview
Please find below an overview of the topics taught across school.
The documents below outline what is learnt in each unit of work and make links to prior learning.
Files to Download
Art Scheme 22-23 Year B.pdf Art Scheme 23-24 Year A.pdf Computing Overview Year 1 and 2.pdf Computing Overview Year 3 and 4.pdf Computing Overview Year 5 and 6.pdf Computing Overview.pdf DT Overview.pdf DT Year 1 and 2.pdf DT Year 3 and 4.pdf DT Year 5 and 6.pdf Enrichments and Enhancements.pdf EYFS Long Term Overview Detailed.pdf Geography Overview plus digimaps.pdf Geography Overview.pdf Geography Year 1 and 2.pdf Geography Year 3 and 4.pdf Geography Year 5 and 6.pdf History Overview.pdf History Year 1 and 2.pdf History Year 3 and 4.pdf History Year 5 and 6.pdf Mathematics Year 1.pdf Mathematics Year 2.pdf Mathematics Year 3.pdf Mathematics Year 4.pdf Mathematics Year 5.pdf Mathematics Year 6.pdf Music Year 1 and 2.pdf Music Year 3 and 4.pdf Music Year 5 and 6.pdf PE Overview EYFS KS1.pdf PE Overview Year 3 and 4.pdf PE Overview Year 5 and 6.pdf PE Timetable 22-23.pdf PSHE Curriculum Overview.pdf RE Overview.pdf Reading Year 1.pdf Reading Year 2.pdf Reading Year 3.pdf Reading Year 4.pdf Reading Year 5.pdf Reading Year 6.pdf Science Overview.pdf Science Year 1 and 2.pdf Science Year 3 and 4.pdf Science Year 5 and 6.pdf Spanish Overview.pdf Writing Year 1.pdf Writing Year 2.pdf Writing Year 3.pdf Writing Year 4.pdf Writing Year 5.pdf Writing Year 6.pdf Year 1 and 2 Topic Overview.pdf Year 3 and 4 Topic Overview.pdf Year 5 and 6 Topic Overview.pdf