
Online Safety Help for Parents

Lancashire CSAP: Lancashire Childrens' Safeguarding Assurance Partnership

The CSAP is a statutory partnership board with an independent chair. It's membership is comprised of senior managers from all statutory agencies in Lancashire. It's purpose is to ensure agencies in Lancashire are working together effectively to keep children safe. It does this by a number of activities such as:

  • Reviewing cases where a child has died orĀ been significantly harmed

  • Providing guidance and multi-agency procedures

  • Quality assurance of multi-agency practice and processes (eg, Audits, inspection, surveys)

  • Providing multi-agency training

  • Reviewing all child deaths in the County to identify themes and trends

Full details of the functions and responsibilities of the CSAP can be found in the statutory guidance Working Together to Safeguard Children


Police lead website providing support and advice (for children, parents and professionals) in relation to online threats.

Other Useful Web Links for Parents

Online Safety

In this ever changing digital world the pace of advancements in online technology is exceptional. Keeping ahead of these changes and how to keep children safe online is becoming increasingly difficult for parents. National Online Safety is a website dedicated to online safety and is packed with useful, easy accessible information for parents on how to keep their children safe online. Take a look at the following link which will take you to a range of useful leaflets each targeting a different topic related to online safety.

In addition, National Online Safety have a Facebook page which you can follow for regular updates. Every Wednesday parental support leaflets are published through this page.

You can find some of their advice leaflets below. Click on an image to download leaflet.


Guidance and Legislation

Link to KCSIE - Keeping children safe in education - GOV.UK (

Guidance for safer working practice 2022 - Home (

Ofsted inspection framework - Education inspection framework (EIF) - GOV.UK (

WTTSC - Working together to safeguard children - GOV.UK (

Nudes and semi nudes - Sharing nudes and semi-nudes: advice for education settings working with children and young people - GOV.UK (

Children's Act 2004 - Children Act 2004 (

Domestic Abuse Act 21 - Domestic Abuse Act 2021 (

Behaviour in Schools DfE - Behaviour in schools - GOV.UK (

Prevent Duty 2015 - Prevent duty guidance - GOV.UK (

Working together to improve school attendance Working together to improve school attendance - GOV.UK (

Get in Touch

Westhead Lathom St James' CE Primary School

School Lane, Westhead, Ormskirk,
Lancashire, L40 6HL

School Office

01695 574 078

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