Eager Beavers 2023 - 2024

Welcome to Eager Beavers

In Eager Beavers, we aim to build upon the knowledge and skills learned in Busy Bees.  We encourage children to really start taking more responsibility for their own learning and to contribute positively around the classroom and school.  We hope to make learning fun and encourage children to express their personalities through their ideas and contributions. Our class teacher is Mrs Smyth and our teaching assistant is Mrs Jones.

Class News

Please have a look through the news, blog and gallery sections to see what the children have been doing.

Supporting Learning at Home

Please ensure that your child is reading as much as possible at home.  It is best if they can read every day.  They can read independently or with an adult as you see fit.  Please record all their reading in their reading record, including dates and page numbers.

Every child has their own log-in for Mathletics.  Please encourage them to log-in at home.  The Live Mathletics section is competitive and encourages them to practise their known number facts.  We also use Hit the Button for rapid fire practice of number facts.  

Hit the Button

Contact: msmyth@wlsj.lancs.sch.uk 

Eager Beavers: News items

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Eager Beavers: Blog items

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Eager Beavers: Gallery items

Year 1-4 Football Club, by Miss Clark

Great Big Dance Off 2024, by Miss Clark

Easter Celebrations, by Miss Clark

Eager Beavers: Calendar items

There are no Calendar items to display

Get in Touch

Westhead Lathom St James' CE Primary School

School Lane, Westhead, Ormskirk,
Lancashire, L40 6HL

School Office

01695 574 078


Student Login