Ethos Group

Prayer Trail

As part of their work on developing our class worship boxes, the Ethos Group have worked hard on creating a sensory prayer trail using our school grounds. They have designed a booklet to guide you around the trail. These will be added to class worship boxes to be used throughout the year. Take a look at the prayer trail in the files section of this page.

Ormskirk Parish Church Summer Series

The children in our Ethos Groups have been working hard on designing some prayer stations for the summer series at Ormskirk Parish Church. The stations have been built around a theme of togetherness and will be put up over the summer for the congregation to interact with. The series starts on 25th July 2021 at 10.30am and will run for 6 weeks. All welcome to attend. 


Worship Areas

Our Ethos Group recently carried out a walk around our school environment during their meeting. As they walked around the building, they were looking for examples that celebrate us as a Christian school. The children found lots of positive of examples around school of how we are celebrating our ethos but did come up with some action points too. One of their ideas was to improve the class worship boxes by adding some more artefacts and prayers. Since the walk around they have designed and made some lovely rocks which they have painted. These will be a lovely addition to worship boxes for use in class worship displays. 

The Big Story

Our Ethos Group have been working on a project to develop the use of God's BIg Story in our Collective Worship and RE lessons. The children in Ethos Group have designed and created a frieze for our studio which illustartes the different Chrstian concepts. The children also came up with the fantastic idea of creating actions to illustrate the story. Once their frieze was complete and they had created their actions they planned and led a Collective Worship for the whole school where they introduced their ideas. The whole school really enjoyed the worship and joined in enthusistically. For videos of our Ethos Group in action go to the God's Big Story sub heading off this page. 

Christmas Tree Project

As part of the fesitivities of Christmas school decorate a tree in the fellowship area of church. This year the Ethos Group have taken charge of this project. They planned a collective worship on the theme of Christmas and made the session interactive by getting the rest of school to create a decoration each to go on the tree. The children wrote on their decorations words that remind them of Christmas or some short prayers. Great work Ethos Group!

Remembrance Event 

The Ethos Group have been working hard during their meetings the past half term to design and create some prayer stations for our Remembrance Service. The children have: decided what the prayer stations should look like; what should be included; how people will interact with them; found Bible verses that support the message they wish to convey and have created all of the resources for each station. Eight of our Ethos Group then went to church to set up the two prayer stations which they have designed and created. 

This has been a joint project with church, who are designing four of their own prayer stations. On Saturday 9th November church is open for the general public to interact with all of the stations then on Sunday 10th November the church will hold its annual Remembrance Service. On Monday 11th November the whole school will be going to church for our own Remembrance Service where every child will have chance to use each prayer station. 

Get in Touch

Westhead Lathom St James' CE Primary School

School Lane, Westhead, Ormskirk,
Lancashire, L40 6HL

School Office

01695 574 078

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