Busy Bees 2024 - 2025
Welcome to Busy Bees.
My name is Mrs. Pose and I am the teacher of Year 1 and Year 2. Our class teaching assistant is Miss Duffy. In Busy Bees we make learning fun and exciting, always striving for excellence and ensuring every child reaches their full potential.
We manage this through the following:
- Focused group teaching
- Valuing every child
- Small school setting
- Learning outside the classroom
- A broad and balanced themed curriculum which is relevant to the lives of our children
- Assess to Continuous Provision areas to consolidate learning
Class News
Each half term we choose a new theme that interests the children. See our curriculum tab for more information about what we will be learning about this year.
PE takes place twice a week. Pupils may come to school ready in their kits. A reminder that PE kit in warmer weather is red shorts and a white t-shirt and plain grey, black or red tracksuit with a white t shirt in colder weather. All children need trainers for PE lessons. Gymnastics lessons are taught in bare feet in the studio.
In Year 1 and Year 2 we follow the Red Rose Phonics Scheme.
In Year 1 the age related phase is phase 4 and phase 5
In Year 2 the age related phase is phase 6.
Please follow this link for further information and useful activities.
Busy Bees: Calendar items
Year 1 Phonics Check Week, by Miss Clark
Production Rehearsal, by Miss Clark
Production Rehearsal, by Miss Clark