Wise Owls: News items
Autumn 2 in Wise Owls 2024, by Miss Tither
Autumn 1 in Wise Owls 2024, by Miss Tither
Summer 2 in Wise Owls, by Miss Tither
Summer 1 in Wise Owls, by Miss Tither
Spring 2 in Wise Owls, by Miss Tither
Spring 1 in Wise Owls, by Miss Tither
Autumn 2 in Wise Owls, by Miss Tither
Autumn 1 in Wise Owls, by Miss Tither
Playground Leaders, by Miss Tither
Sewing, by Miss Tither
School Council Cake Sale for the Ukraine, by Mrs Cusick
Peace Proms, by Miss Tither
Space Art, by Miss Tither
Saxon Day, by Miss Tither
Y6 Leavers, by Mr Peetoom
European Recipes, by Mr Peetoom
Sports Day, by Miss Tither
Cricket tournament at Ormskirk Cricket Club, by Mr Peetoom
Maths Week England, by Mrs Gardner
Immigration Video - the results from our survey, by Mr Peetoom
Wise Owls harvest video, by Mr Peetoom
School Games Award, by Mr Peetoom
Year 6 Leavers’ Celebration Day, by Mr Peetoom
Tag-Rugby Tournament, by Mr Peetoom
Wise Owls - Green Day, by Mr Peetoom