World Book Day 2020
Class: Ladybirds and Butterflies Year: 2019 - 2020
The children across school have thoroughly enjoyed our book celebrations this week. Monday-Wednesday saw children enjoy our mystery readers. Pupils were introduced to four books each morning which would be read after break in different classrooms. The children then came in from break and went to the class with the book they fancied the most. The children didn't know who was the reader each day so it was a surprise to see which member of staff had chosen each book. The books enjoyed included: Wolves in the Wall; The Little Mole Who Knew it was None of His Business (plop up edition); Not Now Bernard; The Tin Forest; Detective Dog; Don't Eat the Teacher and many more!
Thursday we held our PJ day and everyone including the staff came to school in their pyjamas. The older children had prepared the reading of picture books and spent part of the day reading to the younger pupils in school. The children even enjoyed a hot chocolate and biscuit with their books.
Our 'Book in a Jar' competition proved extremely popular and we had a huge number of entries. Our guest judge Mr Walmsley found it really tough to choose just one winner from each class as the standard of entries was so high. Well done to everyone who took part. Our winners are: Ladybird- Lily with her entry of The Hungry Caterpillar; Busy Bee- George with his entry of The Lorax; Eager Beaver- Abbey with her entry of Aladdin from Arabian Nights, and Wise Owl- Grace with her entry of a dream from The BFG.