Braving the rain at Forest School

Class: Forest School Year: 2020 - 2021

Eager Beavers braved the rain and hailstones today at Forest School for their first session. Our site has changed so much recently!  We discussed the changing of the leaves and why this happens and also noticed how the recent wet weather had encouraged lots of fungi to grow. Max and Megan made a discovery on a log-a fungi that looked like it could be one known as dead mans fingers because of the way the fungi stands upright and eventually turns black. 
We played a class trust game then some groups of children got busy making obstacle courses on the field area. An enjoyable session for all! 

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Westhead Lathom St James' CE Primary School

School Lane, Westhead, Ormskirk,
Lancashire, L40 6HL

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01695 574 078

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