Busy Learning Time

The children in Ladybirds and Butterflies learn through play. Throughout the day they will take part in small group activities for phonics, mathematics, RE discussions and PSED games, but the main part of their learning in through play. We do not call it 'Play Time' we call it 'Busy Learning Time'. Using this vocabulary encourages the children to think of this time as a time for learning. There will be challenges within the environment for them to do. Adults are positioned in areas to question and encourage their exploration and learning.

The adults role is to observe, question and then move children on in their learning. For example, if a child is building a tower in the construction area the adult may focus their questions on number or shape depending on where that child is up to in their learning or what the maths focus of the week is. Some children maybe struggling with sharing and therefore the adults role at that time maybe to encourage sharing or language. Each child is unique and the questions are tailored for them individually.

Our environment changes, weekly, monthly, termly depending on the interests and learning needs of the children. Already this term we have had a dinosaur egg hatch, Pete the Cat, Handa's small world and now we are turning our focus to spiders! We also have a homecorner that the children want to turn into a school! We listen to the childrens interests and change the environment accordingly.

Here are a few pictures of our Busy Learning Times.

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Westhead Lathom St James' CE Primary School

School Lane, Westhead, Ormskirk,
Lancashire, L40 6HL

School Office

01695 574 078


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