Collective Worship

Deaf Awareness Week 2022

As part of our work on inclusion, equality and diversity we have been celebrating Deaf Awareness week. As part of the week we had two special visitors. Steve and Dawn came to speak to us about the ways in which deaf people communicate. We learnt about signing, block writing, finger spelling and about some of the technology available to assist deaf people in their day to day lives. As a school we have been learning some signs throughout the year and can now sign some of our hymns in worship. Steve who is a sign language interpreter has also taught us our school prayer using BSL and we will be practising this in the coming weeks. A huge thanks to Steve and Dawn for giving up their time to come and speak to us. We thoruoughly enjoyed the presentation it was really interesting. 








Vision and Values Worship

We had a great Collective Worship exploring together and sharing how we live out our Christian vision and values as a school. The children and staff enjoyed interacting and it was wonderful to hear the children's responses. 




Virtual Collective Worship

Since returning to school in September 2020 we have been unable to meet in person as a whole school due to the COVID-19 restrictions. However, we did not want to let this get in the way of us still getting together each day for Collective Worship. Our new style Collective Worship is conducted virtually with each class joining from their classroom. This has been a great way of bringing the whole school together during these tough times. To make these sessions more interactive our Vision Ambassadors have led parts of the worship as well as staff members.  Our aim is to have more children taking a lead as the term progresses. We also have a central worship area set up in school which children can visit during the day, for reflection and to complete sending out challenges that have been set. 


Worship Displays

Every class has been developing their class worship displays. These areas provide a quiet area for pupils and staff to reflect and pray. They are also used during class collective worship as a focal point for the sessions. 



The Big Story

To round off their project on God's Big Story our Ethos Group planned and delivered a whole school Collective Worship. They made the session interactive and fun for the whole school and chose appropriate texts, songs and prayers to include. The worship was enjoyed by everyone in school. Well done Ethos Group.


Evaluation of Collective Worship

Our new systems for evaluating collective worship are now in full swing and working well. Here is just one of our methods of evaluating our sessions. As you can see the song was the stand out best past of this session closely followed by quiet prayer time. 

Ethos Group Christmas Tree Worship

The Ethos Group planned a fabulous worship on the theme of Christmas. This was a fantastic session and they really enjoyed not only planning but delivering the worship session to the whole school. They made the session really interactive by getting everyone in school to make a decoration to be added to the Christmas tree that will be displayed in the fellowship area in church. Thank you Ethos Group for a fantastic session!


Vision and Values Worship

We had a very interactive worship during which the children and staff explored our school's vision and values. The children shared their ideas with each other well and each group demonstrated how we live out our values of Wisdom, Dignity, Hope and Community as a school.

Our two Year 6 Vision Ambassadors did a fantastic job of sharing our vision with the rest of the school community and we enjoyed singing our song 'With God's Power' that reminds us of our vision, 'With God's power working in us, God can do much much more than anything we can ask or imagine.' Ephesians 3:20

Remembrance Prayer Stations

The whole of school attended church for our special Remembrance service. The Ethos Group had designed two prayer stations with four others provided by church. This was a different way of the children experiencing worship and it was wonderful to see everyone interacting with the different stations.


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Westhead Lathom St James' CE Primary School

School Lane, Westhead, Ormskirk,
Lancashire, L40 6HL

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01695 574 078

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