Mini Wheelers

Date: 12th Jan 2019 @ 4:20pm

The children in Ladybirds and Butterflies are so lucky to be taking part in Mini Wheelers on a Friday morning. It is a fantastic opportunity for children to learn to ride a balance bike in a safe, spacious environment. The first week was so successful with all children learning to balance and scoot along. Some children progressed to gliding and others could even turn whilst gliding. Each week, the coach will add extra challenges depending on the child’s progress. At the end of the 5 weeks we hope that most children will be ready to take their stabilisers off! Mrs Gardner will speak to those parents at the end of the 5 weeks. 

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Westhead Lathom St James' CE Primary School

School Lane, Westhead, Ormskirk,
Lancashire, L40 6HL

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01695 574 078

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